Day One: Try it for 30 days
“if you really want something badly enough, you can do anything for 30 days.”
I recently stumbled upon this Ted talk by, Matt Cutts, which talks about expanding your horizons by trying something new for 30 days. The speaker discusses his own 30 day challenges and, talks about strategies for being successful, as well as some of the advantages of putting yourself out there trying something new for 30 days.
For me, I've always wanted to be a writer. I want to write a book but always feel so overwhelmed…do you realize how many pages a real live book has? I have written articles and case studies, but a whole book? That seems crazy.
Having lost over 70 pounds in the last year, I know a thing or two about behavior change. I have learned through trial and error that the only way to truly enact behavior change is by taking small steps. I learned that if I set goals too big I set myself up for failure, I get frustrated if things don’t progress fast enough or if stumbling block gets in my way and I give up.
So for me while my end goal is to hopefully write a book, I want to start small. I plan on writing and posting something every day for the next 30 days. I’m not exactly sure what I am to write about. But I'm sure it will have something to do with service design, consumer experience, research methodology, inspiration, and design thinking. I hope to talk about products, services, and brands that inspire me both because there great or because they need help.
Has anyone else done 30 day challenge? I'd love to hear about your experience here.

Reader Comments (1)
I was very inspired by this Ted talk, too! I've always heard that it takes 30 days to make something a habit, like flossing. :D
Your writing challenge is very ambitious, and I commend you for your courage and dedication. And, it looks like you're almost half way there! I'm deciding what my 1st 30-day challenge will be. I am thinking about doing yoga! I'll let you know how it goes.