Day Fifteen-The half-way point
I am half-way through my post every day challenge and I have to say the experience has been amazing and exhausting so far! In the last fifteen days my blog-y thing has had 1,439 hits (not including hits from my home, work, or either mine or Allison’s cell phones). For the month of November my website had 216 hits.
I have had 529 visitors from 44 different countries…including a professor who has asked his whole class to read my blog.
If you are new here (which 73.37% of you on a given day are) I decided to challenge myself to writing everyday to build my writing skills and eventually write a book. I am a user researcher and design strategist so most of my posts are about research methodology, behavior change, and service design.
In the last 15 days I have written 15 posts consisting of 16,372 words which is probably more words than I wrote during my entire art school education. I have spent between 1 hour and 6 minutes and 4 hours on each post including outlining, writing, editing, creating graphics, formatting, and posting. This has been a pretty huge time commitment, but I absolutely love it. I have found that I am getting much faster at writing things like emails, and much more confident developing my own personal writing style.
The topics I post about may seem kind of random but they are all things I am passionate about. My most read posts have been:
Day One- Try it for 30 days
Day Two-Training my dragon
Day Seven- How I got kicked out of China
Day Eight- Behavior change and Weight Watchers
Day Eleven- How to know enough about sports to barely get by
My least viewed post has been:
Day Five- Value Proposition 101
For the most part I come up with the idea for my post the same day I publish it, so whatever I am rambling about is probably top of mind for me for one reason or another. Writing and posting has kept me entertained, stimulated, and really excitied about waking up in the morning. Half way through I am loving this challenge, and I am really hoping to keep this going after the thirty days. It hasn’t been all sunshine and rainbows…some of my posts have been written at 4am from airport gates, but so far this challenge has been incredibly inspiring.
If you are one of my 29.63% of returning viewers, I would love to hear which posts you loved and hated so I can create more similar posts.

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